Be inspired by nature... this is art

#eppo & Salvius

Created by:visita #com.unic@











Título: Recuerdos 2

Unos locos románticos fueron capaces de construir dos torres que iluminaban el cielo, ellas y sus habitantes, que ya no están, perdurarán en mi memoria como destellos de oro y plata.

Title: (Memories 2)

Just those crazy romantic were able to build two towers that illuminated the sky, they and their inhabitants, who are no longer, linger in my memory like flashes of gold and silver.

Medidas / Measures: 180 x 60 cm / 71 x 23,6 inch
Descripción: Obra realizada en lienzo con pinturas acrílicas, pan de oro, plata y cobre.
Description: Work on canvas with acrylic paint, gold leaf, silver and copper.